Other Ways to be Involved

English Learner Advisory Committee
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Technology Committee (CIAT)
Come to Back to School Night
Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences
Attend LCAP Meetings
Talk to your Principal
Talk to your child's Teacher
What is a School Site Council? The School Site Council is an elected group of teachers, parents, and classified employees who work with the site principal to develop, review, evaluate, and allocate funds for school improvement programs. To find out more about the activities of your School Site Council, we encourage you to attend a meeting or talk to the school principal. If you are interested in becoming a member of our School Site Council, please call our school secretary at (209)656-2010 to find out more. |
Current Members:
Rosa Gonzalez, Principal
Rosa Hernandez,Teacher
Rina Raya, Teacher
Elaine Hildebrand, Teacher
Charlotte Okamura, Classified Staff
Mariana Alonso, Parent
Mayra Castorena, Parent
Alma Herrera, Parent
Michael Wideman, Parent
Ashley Castro, Parent