Dear Delhi Middle School Parent/Guardian:  
The California Healthy Youth Act, California State law, requires that comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education be provided at least once in middle school starting in grade 7.  This instruction will be provided by the “Check the Facts'' program during the month of December 3 - 16, 2021 in your child’s History class.  For more information, please take a moment and review the presentations found at  Under the PARENT tab there is a video overview of what the program will cover.  The password is: CheckJH1
State law allows you to remove your student from this instruction. If you DO NOT WANT your student to participate in comprehensive sexual health education, please complete and return the bottom portion of the Parent letter  to your childs’ History teacher or to the school office by Monday, November 29, 2021.  The Parent letter will also go home with your child tomorrow, November 10th.  
We understand that the subject matter that will be discussed is sensitive and we will make every effort to present the content as age-appropriately as possible.  Written and audiovisual instructional materials are available for you at the school office.  If you have questions, you can contact the teacher or principal. You may also request a copy of the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code Sections 51930-51939) by contacting the Delhi Unified School District.  
If you would like additional information, we invite you to join us on November 18th at 6:00pm via Google Meet for Check-the-facts Parent Preview Night.  You will have a chance to meet Jeanette Fanconi, Program coordinator for Check-the-facts and ask any questions you might have.  CLICK HERE TO JOIN MEETING